
Mobile Apps
Genuiniti's mobile apps are the gateway for brands to activate product units and for consumers to verify product authenticity.
Genuiniti's app for iOS has hundreds of thousands of users and has received top ratings.
Unlike scratch codes, Genuiniti's smart tags are impractical to reproduce in bulk.
Genuiniti's guaranteed distinct activations ensure that each tag is unique across the world at the time of activation
Magic Cloud
Genuiniti's Magic Cloud analyzes hundreds of parameters to rapidly make decisions about an item's authenticity, authorize tag activations, and support other features.
Smart Tags
Genuiniti's smart tags help identify and authenticate an item in the Genuiniti ecosystem. They require activation before use. They exist in many forms and are installable on a product in many ways.
Genuiniti comprehensive activations ensure that it is not susceptible to rogue website attacks common in scratch code-based product authenticity verification.
Genuiniti automatically detects and blocks copies and is thus far superior than scratch code-based systems that are unable to track cloning.
System Status
Although Genuiniti is highly reliable, you can see the real-time operational status of various systems that comprise the Genuiniti ecosystem at any time.